You already have hundreds of pages of study material to read through, why add to the pain with a book about how to study? There is an old saying about meditation:

“If you don’t have 20 minutes to meditate, you need 2 hours.”

The idea is that you benefit the most from meditation precisely when you are too busy to do it. This is the same idea for our book; if you feel too busy to read about improving your study approach, then you know this book is for you.

Actuarial Exam Tactics: Learn More, Study Less outlines the strategies that allowed us to make fast progress on the exams without sacrificing work-life balance.

These strategies draw from research-based methods to help improve every aspect of your studying: note-taking, prioritizing, overcoming frustration, structuring study sessions, improving efficiency, and challenging your brain to think from new angles.

After receiving numerous positive reviews and support from students, professors, and credentialed actuaries from all around the world, we are excited at the opportunity to make a positive impact on all exam-takers, even those who are new in considering the actuarial field (but may have reservations about the exams).

We do not expect that this book will lead to a complete rehaul of everyone’s study approach, as it will certainly impact some more than others. However, we guarantee that this book will both challenge the way you think about studying and provide you with takeaways to integrate into your own study approach.

For a lot of students who are early in their exam-taking journey, this book can serve as a comprehensive guide that can take you to your FSA in the most efficient and enjoyable way possible.

Given the widespread coverage of topics within this book, there are plenty of practical tools that can guide absolute beginners as well as experienced exam takers near the end of their journey, and anyone in between!

This book will help you more effectively and efficiently navigate through your exam-specific study manuals (which aren’t quite as short as we had hoped, going in.)

While we cannot be certain which aspects of the book will resonate the most with you, we can certainly guarantee a bigger impact on those who read the book with a “growth” mindset. This means dispelling any beliefs that others are “naturals” or self-doubt that you weren’t made to be a good exam-taker or an efficient studier.

Nobody was born a natural fit to take these exams, and swapping excuses for optimism will go a long way in helping you to improve. Many self-described “slower” students had revelations that they can work more effectively, even at twice the speed! Others who have “tendencies to be confused easily” learn that they can quickly piece together a deep understanding of the most challenging exam topics. Some of our reviewers who have been steadily passing exams at a decent pace learn that they can push their own boundaries and tackle exams in half the time with half the stress.

Join Mike and many others who have integrated these study strategies to ignite their exam progress and drastically improve your exam experience. We look forward to hearing your own success story!

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