Actuarial Exam Study Resources
Here’s our list of study resources to help you pass your actuarial exams in less time.
We’re constantly creating more tools and information based on your feedback, so check back often for our updated list.
Most Recommended

Actuarial Exam Tactics: Learn More, Study Less
Students find this book to be the most helpful resource out of everything on our site.
Professors, SOA exam writers, credentialed actuaries, and your fellow students have given it the stamp of approval. See our website or Amazon to read the full reviews.
Additional Resources

Books, Courses and Blogs for Learning How to Learn
We love learning how to learn. After reading dozens of books, online courses, and blogs, we’ve compiled our list of recommended resources to become a more effective learner (both on exams and in the workplace).
Want to Improve Your Odds of Passing?
We'll help you make the exams a little less painful. Sign up to get access to:
- Study Schedule (Excel Template)
- The Power of Habit book summary (stick to that study schedule)
- Study tips from the world's youngest actuary
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